Rappahannock Review

My poem “A Raising” has just been published in the online journal Rappahannock Review. You can read the poem HERE.

The theme of this issue is Appetite, and it features a healthy plateful of poetry, fiction and nonfiction.

This poem is from my first book, The Maintenance of the Shimmy-Shammy, which will be published in 2015 by Steel Toe Books.

Thanks again Eric Turner, Moira McAvoy and the other Rappahannock Review editors!

Best New Poets 2014

My unpublished poem “Gathering a Few Facts” has been chosen to appear in the Best New Poets 2014 anthology, guest edited by Dorianne Laux.

The anthology comes out this November. You can see a list of the 50 poets/poems chosen HERE.

A facebook announcement with pictures of the poets is HERE.

I am honored and seriously excited by this happy news. Thanks so much BNP editors, Jazzy Danziger and Dorianne Laux!


Lyric Essay in Colorado Review

I’ve just received my contributor’s copy of the spring 2014 issue of the Colorado Review which contains my first published full-length creative nonfiction essay, “Go Away and Stay Right Here.” It’s a lyric essay on the subject of electricity, among other things.

There’s a ton of great poetry, fiction and nonfiction in the issue, including poems by the likes of Gale Marie Thompson, Doug Ramspeck, Christina Pugh, James Longenbach, Colette Inez and Lindsey Alexander.

You can order a print copy for $10 HERE or a digital copy for $5 HERE.

I’m proud as all get-out to be in this gorgeous issue. Thanks Stephanie G’Schwind and the other CR editors!

The Rappahannock Review

My poem “A Raising” has been accepted for the August 2014 issue of the Rappahannock Review. This online literary journal is published by the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

If you’re not familiar with this journal, check out the essay Justice by Alyce Miller, one of my former instructors at Indiana University, in the inaugural issue.

Thanks Eric Turner, Moira McAvoy and the other Rappahannock Review editors!