“As If Hurtling” in the Greensboro Review

I’m super excited to have received my contributor copies of the fall 2015 issue of Greensboro Review – which contains my poem “As If Hurtling” along with poems by favorites such as Glenn Shaheen and Traci Brimhall and lots more great poetry and fiction.

Thanks so much Poetry Editor Mackenzie Connellee and the other Greensboro Review editors and readers!

Hey, Why’d You Do That?

Here’s an interview with me, published today at Great Writers Steal — as part of their series called “Hey, Why’d You Do That?” — in which I respond to questions about my poem “Nerve Endings Like Strawberry Runners” recently published online at Witness.

The interview includes both the phrase “(certainty + uncertainty)” and my idea of what a poem written for a cat would look like. So, like, you’ve been warned. 🙂

Thanks Ken Nichols!

New South

I just got my contributor copy of New South, which contains my poem “Wings Like Powerful Versions of Me.”

This is the Adventure Issue — including a choose your own adventure Jeeves and Wooster short story by Matthew David Brozik and Zac Cox’s wild cover art and portfolio of twisted Choose Your Own Adventure book covers.

Thanks so much Hank Backer and the other New South editors!

“An Elephant Walks into a McDonalds” in Boulevard

I’m elated to announce that my creative nonfiction essay “An Elephant Walks into a McDonalds” has just been published in the fall 2015 issue of Boulevard. This traditional essay is a memoir account of two prison arts outreach experiences I have had: the first in the 1990s at Washington DC’s Lorton Prison as an observer with Living Stage, and the second in the 2000s as a guest poet at a jail outside Lawrence, Kansas.

This is the second essay that I have had published and it’s a thrill to have it appear in Boulevard. Thank you to Jessica Rogen and the other Boulevard Editors!