“We Come Here Every Day So You’re Already Won” in River Styx

As winter sunlight crawls slowly across the snow today, I’m excited to have received my contributor copies of River Styx Issue 95 which contains my work poem “We Come Here Every Day So You’re Already Won,” an Honorable Mention for the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Prize. What a bounty of literary goodies, including work by Cate Lycurgus, Thomas Lux, Doug Ramspeck, Bruce Bond, Richard Cecil, Amit Majmudar, Cornelius Eady, Michael Czyzniejewski, Peter Kline, Allison Joseph, Brian Brodeur, Zeina Hashem Beck to name but a few! The great cover is by Theo R. Welling, who has more dog show photos inside. Thanks again Richard Newman, Lizzy Petersen, Jyl Brady and the other River Styx readers and editors!