Beecher’s 3

Beecher’s issue 3 has just been published and it contains “Incredible Journey” a collaborative prose poem written by me and the poet Dustin Nightingale.

This is a wonderfully designed journal and my photograph above hardly does it justice. The inside is as just a beautiful, with poetry, fiction and nonfiction by writers such as Nate Pritts, Michael Bazzett, Heather Frese, & F. Daniel Rzicznek, as well as drawings, including the embossed image on the cover above, by Brett Millard.

Thank you Ben Cartwright and the other editors of Beecher’s!

It’s Official!

As of May 31, 2013 I have officially graduated with my MFA in poetry from Indiana University! I’m proud, thrilled, and exhausted.

I had a wonderful time at IU and am especially thankful to have been able to study with such excellent teachers as Cathy Bowman (who directed my MFA thesis), Maurice Manning, Maura Stanton, Richard Cecil, Ross Gay, Alyce Miller, and Samrat Upadhyay. In addition to these teachers, I learned more than I can calculate from my amazing fellow students in the program, and from the many students in the classes I taught. It was a wild ride and a great time. Thanks everyone!

Cream City Review

I have a poem in the new issue of Cream City Review, Volume 36, Issue 2 — The Labor Issue.

My work appears alongside a ton of great work including poetry by Hadara Bar-Nadav, fiction by J. A. Tyler, photographs by Christopher Woods, and an interview with Rebecca Hazelton.

Thanks Aviva Englander Cristy and her fellow editors at Cream City Review!

Paper Darts

Three of my prose poems have just been published in the online literary journal Paper Darts. You can read them HERE.

There is also a short, five question interview which you can read HERE.

I have adored this gorgeous literary magazine for a long time, and it’s such a please to have my own work appear there. Most of the time when I know my poetry is going to be published with illustration I’m sort of apprehensive. It’s such a difficult thing to do well. With Paper Darts, I was just excited. They have such a beautiful aesthetic and consistently excellent visual taste to go along with the wonderful fiction and poetry they publish. It’s an honor to have my work there.

Thanks so much Courtney Algeo, John Jodzio & the Paper Darts editors!

the minnesota review issue 80

My poems “Single Make Seeks Someone Who’ll Stay” and “Sword Swallowers In Transition” have just been published in issue 80 of the minnesota review.

the minnesota review publishes creative writing alongside literary criticism, and this issue also contains creative work by the likes of Roxane Gay, Dean Rader, Sean Lovelace, & Patty Seyburn (and others). On the critical side there’s a special section on The Medieval Turn in Theory, guest edited by Andrew Cole, with essay titles such as “Derrida’s Noble Unfaith,” “Object-Oriented Mythography,” and ” Death and Texts: Finitude Before Form.” Cool, eh?

The beautiful cover image to this issue is a collage called The Holy Mountain by Marcus McDonald.

Thank you Janell Watson and the editors of the minnesota review!

Interview at “5 – 9 : Working Writers”

Poet Alessandra Simmons has interviewed me for her series 5 – 9 : Working Writers. You can read the interview here.

Previous interviews include poets and writers Naoko Fujimoto, Abdel Shakur, Angela Narciso Torres, and Ellis Felker.

If you’re not familiar with Alessandra’s poetry, you can read two poems online from Issue 22 of Post Road Magazine.

Thanks Alessandra!