A portfolio of 5 of my poems published in Tupelo Quarterly!

The new issue of Tupelo Quarterly just launched and it contains a portfolio of 5 (five!) of my poems –plus a staggering abundance of literary riches. Thank you to Kristina Marie Darling, Yamini Pathak, and all the awesome people who make Tupelo Quarterly happen. You can read my poems here: https://www.tupeloquarterly.com/poetry/christopher-citro-a-portfolio-of-poetry/

2 Collaborative Prose Poems Just Published in The Inflectionist Review!

The Inflectionist Review just published two collaborative prose poems that Steve Castro, Dustin Pearson, and I wrote together, “Forgotten Village” and “Bright Sides and Glass.” Please visit https://www.inflectionism.com/ to read them along with all the amazing writing in this new issue! Huge thanks to Editors Anatoly Molotkov & John Sibley Williams!

My poem “Hawk Shadow Here to Help” published in the Kenyon Review

A dream come true publication! ❤️The Kenyon Review just sent my contributor copy with my poem “Hawk Shadow Here to Help.” I took the magazine outside to show the hawks but I think they’re all down in Miami Beach until the sun comes back. 🙏 Thank you to everyone at the Kenyon Review!

You can also read it online at KR here: https://kenyonreview.org/piece/hawk-shadow-here-to-help/

Two journal acceptances in one day!?

2 journal acceptances yesterday! If you write collaboratively with the likes of Steve Castro and Dustin Pearson, I suppose it shouldn’t come as a shock but really…Holy moly!! Heavy Feather Review has accepted “Placatory Congregation” (thank you Bill Lessard!) and The Boiler has accepted “Smoke Moving Out of the Way as It Rises” (thank you Diana Cao & Todd Dillard)!