Architrave Press & “Happy Birthday to Me”

Architrave Press has just published my poem “Happy Birthday to Me” as a limited edition broadside of 250 copies. If you don’t know, a broadside is a single sheet of paper, basically a poster, printed on one side. This is the first one I have ever had published. And yes, I am psyched.

Architrave Press is located in St. Louis, MO, and publishes poems as individual broadsides (5.5″ x 8″ 100lb archival card stock) which are letterpress printed the old fashioned way. They are sold individually or in series. My poem is the first one in Edition 2.

You can read my poem online for free HERE.

If you want, you can buy a broadside (simultaneously blowing my mind and supporting a fantastic new press) by going HERE. It costs $3.50, S&H included, via PayPal.

If you’re feeling particularly frisky, you can purchase the entire Edition 2, which includes mine as well as wonderful poems by gaye gambell-peterson, Michael Bazzett, Michael Hettich, Kejt Walsh, Meagan Gamble, Claudia Torres, Shane Seely, Ray Holmes, and Kristen Elde., for $27.50 HERE.


My very short poem “Me in My Place” is now up at Cellpoems. You can read it online and also subscribe to receive their future poems as text messages on ye olde cellular telephones. They have a place to subscribe on the site or “If you’d like to sign up for this and all future poems, txt JOIN to 646-510-1488.” Thanks Cellpoems!

Forklift, Ohio

I recently received my contributor’s copy of the new issue of Forklift, Ohio in the mail. It contains my poems “All Purpose Me” and “The Wrestling Coach Taught Us Health” along with the usual gathering of amazing writers, including new poems by the great Mary Ruefle. The generous and wonderful people behind this journal also included a carpenter’s pencil, corkscrew, and copies of the Forklift, Ink chapbooks Touch Monkey by Stuart Dischell (which I sat down to sample and couldn’t stop myself reading all the way through) and The Dept. of Ephebic Dreamery by Darcie Dennigan. I’ve never before had the opportunity to uncork a journal in order to read it (yes, that’s an actual cork sticking through the magazine in the upper right corner, avec wine stained tip). Thanks Matt Hart and the Forklift, Ohio vintners!

NANO Fiction

I recently received my contributor copy of NANO Fiction Vol 5 No 1, and it’s a beauty, complete with the sexiest honey bees you’ve ever seen. This journal contains a ton of amazing flash fiction and prose poetry, all within a sleek, aesthetically pleasing trim volume. This journal really is a pleasure to read, not least because of its size, layout, font, and general look. If you’re interested, you can buy a copy here — but do not delay as their issues invariably sell out.

Arts & Letters PRIME

The first issue of Arts & Letters PRIME was released this last November containing both the text and audio of me reading my two poems “Free Verse” and “You Can Always Buy a New Dress.” PRIME is a newly launched e-supplement to the print edition of this wonderful journal, specially made for the iPad/iPhone. If you have one of those, you can download the issue 1.1 here. If you don’t, never fear, that link also takes you to a place where you can download a basic version to be read on an e-pub reader.

In addition to my two poems, this issue features flash essays, including one by Dinty Moore, visual art, audio and video.