Forklift, Ohio

I recently received my contributor’s copy of the new issue of Forklift, Ohio in the mail. It contains my poems “All Purpose Me” and “The Wrestling Coach Taught Us Health” along with the usual gathering of amazing writers, including new poems by the great Mary Ruefle. The generous and wonderful people behind this journal also included a carpenter’s pencil, corkscrew, and copies of the Forklift, Ink chapbooks Touch Monkey by Stuart Dischell (which I sat down to sample and couldn’t stop myself reading all the way through) and The Dept. of Ephebic Dreamery by Darcie Dennigan. I’ve never before had the opportunity to uncork a journal in order to read it (yes, that’s an actual cork sticking through the magazine in the upper right corner, avec wine stained tip). Thanks Matt Hart and the Forklift, Ohio vintners!