Chapbook accepted at Aureole Press!

I’m delighted to share the news that a chapbook of collaborative poetry that I wrote with Steve Castro and Dustin Pearson, titled The Box We Put the World in to Keep a Corner From Shattering, has been accepted for publication at University of Toledo’s Aureole Press!

Beautiful Postcard Issue 1 has arrived with my collaborative poem and a host of awesome others!

Behold Issue 1 of Postcard!! 10 gorgeously illustrated poetry postcards, with a collaborative poem by myself and Dustin Nightingale, alongside Kelli Russell Agodon, Jared Beloff, Lauren Camp, Denise Duhamel, Alban Fischer, Tom Snarsky, Leah Umansky, Donna Vorreyer, & Mary Zhou. Editor David Wojciechowski has made a thing of great beauty, and you can get the complete set for just $20 bucks. And the next submission period begins February 1. What a joy to be a part of this first issue! Thanks again David!
postcardlit dot com 

“Sunlight Spun on Spools” accepted at Postcard Lit!

What a delight to receive an acceptance today from Postcard Lit for “Sunlight Spun on Spools” a collaborative prose poem from the series I’ve been writing with Dustin Nightingale! Someday our poem will be available on a postcard along with original art inspired by the poem…which could not be more awesome. Thank you Postcard Lit!

“Like a Fist Next to Your Heart” just published in New South!

The new digital issue of New South 14.2 just arrived and it contains “Like a Fist Next to Your Heart” a collaborative prose poem I wrote with Dustin Nightingale! Along with tons of awesome poetry, fiction and nonfiction! Huge thanks to Anna Sandy-Elrod and the whole New South crew!

Print issues will be coming out soon, but right now you can see the whole issue online!

“The Island Designated Yes” published at The Shore!

“The Island Designated Yes,” a prose poem I co-wrote with Dustin Nightingale, has just been published online at The Shore.

It’s very short. It’s a love poem. And it mentions indigo cherry drops which are tomatoes we grow every year and taste like when funk songs mention sunshine. I hope you enjoy it.

Huge thank yous to editors Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, John A. Nieves!

Read the poem HERE.

The Shore has accepted my collaborative prose poem “The Island Designated Yes”

As the 1st snow of winter falls, what a warm bit of news to learn that The Shore has accepted “The Island Designated Yes,” a collaborative prose poem I wrote with Dustin Nightingale! Thank you Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, John A. Nieves!

2 of my collaborative prose poems just published online at CutBank!

CutBank has just published online 2 of my collaborative prose poems written with Dustin Nightingale: “A Crumb of Wind” and “Here Beside Us with Us.” Thank you so much Luke Larkin & all the awesome folk at CutBank! Dustin & I are thrilled that our poems have found a home there! 

Read ‘em here: