Poem Accepted at Moon City Review: “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish”

I’m delighted to learn that Moon City Review has accepted my poem “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish.” This was written after a solitary walk down to Inkwell Beach late one night from the faculty house at the last in person Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. A big starlit sky. Lights of little boats in the distance. A water bottle filled with bourbon and orange juice… Thank you Sara Burge and everyone at MCR!

My poems “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down” & “We Are Different in This Room” accepted at Sprung Formal!

I’m delighted to receive the news that Sprung Formal: The Kansas City Art Institute’s Literary Arts Journal has accepted my poems “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down,” and “We Are Different in This Room.” Thank you Kaylea Halstead, Victoria Cairns, and the whole editorial team!

“The Shape the Air Makes Between Us” Accepted at the North American Review!

I’m delighted to share the news that my poem “The Shape the Air Makes Between Us” has just been accepted by North American Review. Thank you J D Schraffenberger and the rest of the NAR crew! This poem mentions the amazing sculpture from 1993 “House” by the amazing artist Rachel Whiteread. She filled a three story house with concrete then removed the house part.

Reviewing proofs for my upcoming poem in The American Poetry Review!

Thrilled!!! to review proofs of my poem “We Couldn’t Be More Biological” which will appear in the January issue of The American Poetry Review!!! Wow!

I never know what I’m going to write about when I write my poems. I sure didn’t know this love poem would be inspired by a couple creatures peeping out from the middle of a 4 hour NOAA deep sea science expedition video, which is the kind of thing my partner and I like to watch late at night with the lights down low…

The Shore has accepted my collaborative prose poem “The Island Designated Yes”

As the 1st snow of winter falls, what a warm bit of news to learn that The Shore has accepted “The Island Designated Yes,” a collaborative prose poem I wrote with Dustin Nightingale! Thank you Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, John A. Nieves!

Colorado Review has accepted my poems “Night but Unlike Night” & “Peel the Black Walnut Bark like Small Fists in our Fists”

On my birthday yesterday, one of my very favorite journals, Colorado Review, accepted my two poems: “Night but Unlike Night” & “Peel the Black Walnut Bark like Small Fists in our Fists.” What a treat! CR has published two of my poems before, as well as a creative nonfiction essay, and it’s a journal I hold close to my heart. Thank you Matthew Cooperman and everyone at CR! These two poems are particular favorites of mine, and at the center of the developing manuscript of my third poetry book. I’m overjoyed they will appear in Colorado Review!