Sarah E. Ruhlen’s “Shepherds Take Warning” in Waccamaw

My partner Sarah’s awesome short story “Shepherds Take Warning” has just been published online today in the new issue of Waccamaw: A Journal of Contemporary Literature! It’s one of my very favorite stories she’s written. It’s got skywriting, tornadoes, circuses, impending danger, laundry irons, tent revivals, and more! Congratulations darlin’!

Read the story HERE.

Reading the opening of a lyric essay on WRVO’s The Campbell Conversations!

It was awesome to be asked to read my creative nonfiction for yesterday’s episode of The Campbell Conversations on WRVO, celebrating the work of writers associated with The Downtown Writers Center in Syracuse. Sitting at home in a bedroom closet last week — with my phone balanced on my knee — I read the first 6 minutes of my lyric essay, “Go Away and Stay Right Here,” originally published in the Colorado Review. My reading leads off the episode which also features luminous performances by Jessica Cuello, Georgia Popoff, and Arthur Flowers.

Give a listen HERE!

3 Poems Published in Smartish Pace

I’m thrilled to hold my contributor copy of Smartish Pace, which contains my poems, “The Sky Always Blue Above the Clouds Useless To Us,” “Please Let There Be an Ice Storm This Afternoon” and “Our Breaths Are Weather.” It’s an honor to share these pages with so many poets whose work I adore. Thank you so much to Stephen Reichert and the rest of the Smartish Pace crew! Dorianne Laux has a poem in it that begins “Under the blown out stars/ sounds the lone horn” and ends “smother my wet face/ with underwater kisses/ I miss you so much// I could drown” I mean, come on!

Gone and made a YouTube page.

Having recently received a few gracious invitations to make videos — public things like poetry readings being on hold — I’ve made a YouTube page to keep them. There’s one there now, the video I made for the Best Microfiction 2020 book launch last week. I’ve also put up a few of the little video-lets of moments that I like to make. Lily pads in the sun, a fox…in the sun, rain on ivy, dew in a spider’s web, Montreal icicles, a Kansas windmill, airborne cottonwood fluff — that sort of thing. Have a visit!

“On Our Mountain Made of Crushed Mountains” in Zone 3

I’m thrilled to receive my contributor copy of the new Zone 3, which contains my poem “On Our Mountain Made of Crushed Mountains.” Thank you so much Andrea Spofford, Stephanie Dugger, Aubrey Collins, and the rest of the Zone 3 team. It’s a delight to clasp this beautiful issue in my hands. Plus there’s a short story by my MFA teacher Maura Stanton! Plus the cover is like a sun! (Painted by Khari Turner.)

Snaggeth thee a copy HERE.

“The Horses Are Ready and They Need To Go” in Best Microfiction 2020!

What a delight to receive my contributor’s copy of Best Microfiction 2020, which contains my story “The Horses Are Ready and They Need To Go.” This pocket-sized book is so adorable you want to eat it, filled with tons of awesome microfictions, plus even craft essays and interviews. Dang! Thank you guest editor Michael Martone and series editors Meg Pokrass and Gary Fincke!

Grab yerself a copy HERE.