The Shore has accepted my collaborative prose poem “The Island Designated Yes”

As the 1st snow of winter falls, what a warm bit of news to learn that The Shore has accepted “The Island Designated Yes,” a collaborative prose poem I wrote with Dustin Nightingale! Thank you Caroline Chavatel, Emma DePanise, John A. Nieves!

Video available: Hybrid Forms Collaborations — Reading and Discussion

The video of yesterday’s “Hybrid Forms Collaborations — Reading and Discussion” event is now available. Dustin Nightingale and I read some of our collaborative prose poems (for the first time ever live!), along with awesome readings by Aimee Parkison & Carol Guess and (hosts) Meg Pokrass & Jeff Friedman. Plus there’s an inspiring Q & A. Yay collaborative writing! 😀😀

Hybrid Forms Collaborations — Reading and Discussion

What a total delight Dustin Nightingale and I had this evening reading our collaborative poetry alongside awesome collaborative duos Aimee Parkison & Carol Guess and (hosts) Meg Pokrass & Jeff Friedman, as part of the “Hybrid Forms Collaborations — Reading and Discussion.” Thank you Meg for inviting us, and thank you to all the great folks who attended the reading and discussion!

Join me for a Collaborative Writing Reading/ Discussion May 1!

On May 1st Dustin Nightingale and I will be reading/discussing our poetry collaborations as part of a collaborative writing Zoom event with Aimee Parkison & Carol Guess and hosts Meg Pokrass & Jeff Friedman. We’ve never done a collaborative reading, and we’re really excited about this!

Join us!

Email Meg for the Zoom link at megpokrass(at)gmail(dot)com.

Here’s the Facebook Event page.

Denver Quarterly (including the back cover)!!!

We’re the back cover of the new Denver Quarterly! Holy moly! Friends, I’m over-the-moon to have received contributor copies of the new issue of Denver Quarterly whose theme is collaborative writing. It contains three prose poems I wrote with Dustin Nightingale. And they put one on the back cover! What a thrill! Thank you to Vincent James and everyone at the Denver Quarterly!

3 Collaborations Published in They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing!

What a thrill to hold in my hands my contributor copy of They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing just out from Black Lawrence Press. The names on the table of contents make my head spin. Dustin Nightingale and I are absolutely looped to have three of our collaborative prose poems appear in this anthology: “Staring Out a Window Echoing the Actual Moon” and “And Me With Only a Bottle Opener in My Pocket” first published in DIAGRAM, and “I Fear We Have Made a Terrible Mistake” first published in Two Peach. Thank you to the editors who initially published these and to Simone Muench, Dean Rader, Sally Ashton, and Jackie White for including us in this amazing volume.

(Click the poem titles above to read the poems as originally published!)

2 Collaborative Prose Poems in Southern Indiana Review

What a thrill to receive my contributor issue of the Southern Indiana Review, which contains, “A Small Choir of Sour Voices” and “I Am a Speaker You Are Vibrating,” two collaborative prose poems I’ve written with Dustin Nightingale. The issue also contains three of Dustin’s own personal prose poems! It’s a massive joy to share this issue with the likes of Erika Meitner, Susannah Nevison, Ashley M. Jones, Kat Finch, and Liz A. Johnson and more! A thousand thousand thanks to Marcus Wicker, Ron Mitchell, and the rest of the good folks at SIR!