“Placatory Congregation” Published in Heavy Feather Review!

Yippee! Heavy Feather Review just published “Placatory Congregation,” a collaborative prose poem that Steve Castro, Dustin Pearson, and I wrote together. Huge thanks to Editors Bill Lessard, Jason Teal, and everyone who makes HFR so awesome!

Read the poem here:


“I love you. I want us both to eat well.” — So All May Eat, a weekly food program and pantry in NYC

I’m so deeply, deeply honored that Union Mutual Aid at Union Theological Seminary in NYC has asked to use “I love you. I want us both to eat well.” from my poem “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” as the motto for their new weekly food program and pantry. My words and I bow deeply to Anna and everyone involved in this beautiful and needed endeavor.

Another poem of mine featured on WPBS in Central New York!

While I was on Martha’s Vineyard teaching this week, WPBS television in Central New York featured me reading my poem “You Can Keep Your Employee of the Month Award.” And the video is up on YouTube. Thank you WPBS! This poem is from my second book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun (Elixir Press, 2021)