Me Reading “It’s Something People in Love Do” and “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks”

On this warm September Monday, after three nights of frosts, I thought I’d share this video I made in June of me reading two poems (“It’s Something People in Love Do” and “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks”) from my forthcoming book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun. Pandemic beard in evidence.

I just uploaded this video to my YouTube page. The squirrels seem to be hectically preparing for the coming cold.

Video of Me Reading My 3 Poems in Smartish Pace 27!

As part of the celebration of Smartish Pace 27 I made this video of me reading my three poems in the new issue, “The Sky Always Blue Above the Clouds Useless To Us,” “Please Let There Be an Ice Storm This Afternoon” and “Our Breaths Are Weather.” It was May and still snowing here in Syracuse. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you again Stephen Reichert and the rest of the Smartish Pace ensemble for including my poems in this beautiful new issue! 🙂

You can snag yourself a copy of the issue HERE!

Gone and made a YouTube page.

Having recently received a few gracious invitations to make videos — public things like poetry readings being on hold — I’ve made a YouTube page to keep them. There’s one there now, the video I made for the Best Microfiction 2020 book launch last week. I’ve also put up a few of the little video-lets of moments that I like to make. Lily pads in the sun, a fox…in the sun, rain on ivy, dew in a spider’s web, Montreal icicles, a Kansas windmill, airborne cottonwood fluff — that sort of thing. Have a visit!

Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Week 1 June 2019

And with the traditional elderflower wine toast of “Skol!” the 2019 Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing opens for its TENTH anniversary (Yay!) with readings by Director Alexander Weinstein and Instructor Robert James Russell.

Alexander Weinstein reads his fiction.

Robert James Russell reads his poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction


“Staring Out a Window, Echoing the Actual Moon” on “Kurt Reads a Poem”

Thank you to Kurt Milberger for a charming reading of “Staring Out a Window, Echoing the Actual Moon” on his “Kurt Reads a Poem” YouTube channel. That was a fun surprise to find. This collaborative prose poem, written with Dustin Nightingale, was recently published in DIAGRAM 16.2.

Click HERE to watch.