Thrilled to receive my contributor copies of the new Bat City Review, which contains “Look! Fruit!” one of the collaborative prose poems I’ve been writing with Dustin Nightingale. There’s so much literary awesomeness in this gorgeous issue! Massive thank yous to Luci Arbus-Scandiffio, Sarah Matthes, and the whole BCR crew!
Category Archives: Publication
I’m in the next print issue of Rain Taxi!
I just received the exciting news that the next print issue of Rain Taxi will contain their interview with me about my new book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun! What a thrill! Thank you Eric Lorberer at Rain Taxi and thank you Christopher Carter Sanderson for interviewing me!
My poem “The Effect Lasting Half a Minute” in Barrow Street!
Thankfully today’s arctic windstorm hasn’t blown away the mailbox, and I received my contributor’s copy of the new Barrow Street, which contains my poem “The Effect Lasting Half a Minute,” as well as a ton of awesome poems by an amazing list of poets and friends! Huge thank yous to Michael Broek and the other Barrow Street editors and readers!
My poem “Shelter Awhile” is on Verse Daily today!
My poem “Shelter Awhile” is featured today on Verse Daily! This poem is from my second book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun, winner of the Antivenom Poetry Award, published by Elixir Press. Thank you J.P. Dancing Bear!
You can read the poem HERE.
You can buy an signed copy of the book from me HERE.
You can also get it at Amazon, Small Press Distribution and elsewhere.
My poem “Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Rest of Your Life” published today online in the Los Angeles Review!
Folks! My poem “Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Rest of Your Life” has just been published online at The Los Angeles Review!!! Huge thanks to Blas Falconer and Vandana Khanna!!!
Read the poem HERE!
I’m teaching “How to submit your creative writing to literary journals” Thu 11/18
I’m teaching a Zoom class on how to submit your creative writing to literary journals (basically the basics), hosted by the Oak Bluffs Public Library on Martha’s Vineyard this Thursday 4:30 – 6pm. This is free and open to the public! You can get the zoom link and further info on the library’s events calendar:
My essay “Licked By Our World We Get Licked By Our World” has been published in the Bellingham Review!
My lyric essay “Licked By Our World We Get Licked By Our World” just got published in the new online issue of Bellingham Review! I’m so excited to share this with you all. This is the final essay in my Four Classical Elements series. It’s the water essay, and includes 4000 words on the times I almost drowned, life in the deepest oceans, collecting water from famous places, fish I have known, a diary entry from when I was 15, Altered States, Jaws, Howie Mandel, Close Encounters of the Third Kind…just to name a few. A thousand thanks to all the great folks at Bellingham Review, including B. Woods, Suzanne Paola, and Caity Scott!
Read it HERE!
Three Collaborative Prose Poems Published in The Rupture!
Three collaborative prose poems that I wrote with Dustin Nightingale just got published in the new issue of The Rupture (formerly The Collagist). Thank you so much to Gabriel Blackwell, Marielle Prince, and the rest of the good folk at The Rupture!
My poem in New Poetry from the Midwest Anthology!
I’m so happy to receive my contributor copy of the newest New Poetry from the Midwest anthology, which contains my poem “If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun,” the title poem for my second book of poetry which came out this April from Elixir Press. How grand to share this beautiful space with so many poets and friends I admire. Thank you to series editors Rita Mae Reese and Hannah Stephenson!
My writing exercises appear in The Open Page: Poetry, Fiction and Essays on the Art of Writing from the faculty of the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing
I’m thrilled to have received my contributor copy of The Open Page, the new anthology of creative writing exercises and poems, fictions, and essays from the faculty of The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. I have a poetry exercise (and some poems) and a lyric essay exercise (and a whole lyric essay) in it. Plus there’s TONS of awesome stuff by so many of my fellow MVICW faulty! Get yourself a copy and write write write!
Get yerself a copy HERE!
The awesome list of contributors include: Tony Ardizzone, Ruth Awad, Bradley Bazzle, Christopher Citro 😀, Tia Clark, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Matthew Gavin Frank, John T Howard, Michael Kardos, Keith Leonard, Amelia Martens, Michael Martone, Amy Meng, Sequoia Nagamatsu, Phong Nguyen, Randi Beck Ocena, Catherine Pierce, Wendy Rawlings, Robert James Russell, Elizabeth Schmuhl, Britton Shurley, Keith Taylor, Samantha Tetangco, Samrat Upadhyay, Alexander Weinstein, and Kea Wilson!