3 of my poems just published in Court Green!

The new issue of Court Green has launched and it contains my poems “Flavorfest Sparkle Supreme Seascape Eversweet,” “How Many Exoplanets Will It Take,” and “Pinkies and Stumpies,” along with a ton of new poetry by awesome folks! I’m so thrilled these poems are here and in this amazing company. Head on over to Court Green and check out the issue! Thank you Aaron Smith, Tony Trigilio, David Trinidad, and Cora Jacobs!


My poems “Flavorfest, Sparkle Supreme, Seascape, Eversweet” “How Many Exoplanets Will It Take” and “Pinkies and Stumpies” accepted at Court Green!

I’m jump-for-joy delighted to learn that Court Green has just accepted my three poems, “Flavorfest Sparkle Supreme Seascape Eversweet,” “How Many Exoplanets Will It Take,” and “Pinkies and Stumpies.” Thank you Cora Jacobs, David Trinidad, Tony Trigilio, and Aaron Smith!