“When Looking at Old Photos Only Makes It Worse” (Collaboration with Dustin Nightingale) in Jerry 11

My collaborative prose poem “When Looking at Old Photos Only Makes It Worse” — from a series written with Dustin Nightingale — has just been published in Jerry Magazine Issue 11. You can also read a statement about our collaborative process written for this issue. Who else is here? Only the likes of Adam O. Davis, Claire Marie Stancek, Emily Hunt, Robert Whitehead, Lytton Smith, Candice L. Wuehle, and Joseph Spence. Thanks again editors Emily Wolahan & Ethan J. Hon & Daniel Bevacqua!

Read our poem HERE.

Read our collaboration statement HERE.

“But I Live Here (Empty Place)” in Cider Press Review

My short poem “But I Live Here (Empty Place)” has just been published online in Cider Press Review vol. 18 issue 5. As usual, it’s a cracking great issue with poems by Sara Henning, Elizabeth Onusko Cafferkey, Hayden Saunier, John A. Nieves, Wendy Drexler, and more. Thanks so much Ruth Foley, Caron Andregg, and the rest of the CPR staff!

Read the poem HERE.

“It’s Something People in Love Do” in Sycamore Review

Happy holidays friends! I’m delighted to have just received my contributor copies of the new Sycamore Review, which includes my poem “It’s Something People in Love Do” — a love poem that references the Marx Brothers (a personal milestone reached) — as well as stellar new work by Lauren Moseley, Todd Davis, L.S. Klatt, John McCarthy, Tatiana Neshumova, and others. Plus great rhinoceroses on the cover (and lots more art inside) by Ale De La Torre. Thanks so much to Anthony Sutton, Mitchell Jacobs, Rachel Reynolds, and the rest of the Sycamore Review crew!

Two Poems in Mid-American Review vol. XXXVI no. 2

Having moved this summer, the postal carrier just tracked me down to deliver my contributor copies of Mid-American Review vol. XXXVI no. 2, which contains my poems “One Light in a Field of Other Lights” and “At First It Buzzed Then Even the Buzzing Stopped” — the latter an ode of sorts to my broken garbage disposal. This gorgeous issue features literary goodness from the likes of Kristina Marie Darling, Devon Moore, Michael Meyerhofer, Michael Boccardo, and Doug Sutton-Ramspeck, to name but a few. Warm thanks to Abigail Cloud and the other editors and readers for MAR!

“The Hay Out There and the Hay in You” Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Phoebe

My poem “The Hay Out There and the Hay in You” has just been published online at Phoebe Journal as part of a sneak peak from their upcoming 46.1 fall/winter print issue. The good folks at Phoebe have also been kind enough to nominate this poem for a Pushcart Prize — my fourth nomination this year. Huge thank yous to Robbie Maakestad, Doug Luman, and the other editors and readers for Phoebe. This poem is particularly close to my heart, and it’s a delight to be able to share it with you.

Read the poem HERE.

2 Collaborations Published in Horsethief 8

Howdy friends. The new issue of Horsethief published this week contains two of my prose poem collaborations with Dustin Nightingale – “My Markings Easily Recognizable Even In a Windstorm” and “Sometimes You Walk Around and Get Decapitated” – along with poetry awesomeness by Josh Estanislao Lopez, Erin Adair Hodges, Sarah Trudgeon, and Chance Dibbene! Massive bronco-busting thank yous to Editors Justin Boening & Devon Walker-Figueroa for including our poems in your stable!

Read the issue HERE.

Collaborative Poem “In This Version a Suspension Bridge in Every Shot” Just Published in Ghost Ocean

Ahoy there friends! Ghost Ocean 19 has just been published and it includes a prose poem I wrote collaboratively with Dustin Nightingale – “In This Version a Suspension Bridge in Every Shot.” There’s also audio of us reading the poem – we sound sedated, but really we were just tired from a long day. Thanks so much Editor Heather Cox!

Read and listen to the poem HERE.

Collaborative Prose Poem (with Audio) Just Published at Barnstorm

“I Haven’t Seen You in 13 Years and You Show Up Blind and So Do I” — A collaborative prose poem I wrote with Dustin Nightingale — has just been published at Barnstorm, complete with seriously awesome artwork (by Michael McConnell) and audio of me and Dustin reading the poem. Thanks a million poetry editors Stephen Brand & Katie Brunero!

Read & listen to the poem HERE.