Fugue has nominated my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” for Best of the Net!

Wow! I just received a second Best of the Net 2024 nomination, this time for my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” published online by Fugue. Thank you again to Maggie Nipps, Reid Davis and everyone at Fugue Literary Journal! Here’s the link to read the poem:


I happened to be working on an ekphrastic poem about Virgil Marti’s 1992 “Bullies Wallpaper” when the email came. Usually if I get an email while I’m writing a poem it’s a rejection from some literary magazine. This was a lovely surprise!

Another poem of mine featured on WPBS in Central New York!

While I was on Martha’s Vineyard teaching this week, WPBS television in Central New York featured me reading my poem “You Can Keep Your Employee of the Month Award.” And the video is up on YouTube. Thank you WPBS! This poem is from my second book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun (Elixir Press, 2021)

My poem “Red Birds the Size of Fists” has been published online in the new issue of Zone 3!

My poem “Red Birds the Size of Fists” has just been published online in the new issue of Zone 3! HUGE thank yous to Stephanie Dugger, Calie Benke, and everyone at Zone 3! This is my third appearance in this awesome journal.


My Poem “Sugar in the Gourd and the Gourd Upon the Ground” in Mid-American Review!

I’m thrilled to receive my contributor copy of Mid-American Review, with my poem “Sugar in the Gourd and the Gourd Upon the Ground,” along with a host of awesome fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Huge thanks to Megan Borocki, Abigail Cloud, and everyone at MAR! A wild turkey was gobbling at me from the woods while I took these photos. I think it could sense my excitement. 😀

My poem “Birds and Stars Suite” has been published online at Blackbird!

My long poem “Birds and Stars Suite” has just been published online in the new issue of Blackbird. I haven’t written longer poems in a long time, and this is one of the 3 that I wrote last year in a kind of new experiment. I’m delighted beyond measure that it found a home in Blackbird! Thank you again to everyone at Blackbird!!!

You can read the whole poem here:


My poem “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish” Published in Moon City Review!

What a joy to hold in my hands my contributor copy of Moon City Review 2024, which has my poem, “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish” a poem written on Martha’s Vineyard, sitting alone on the shore late one night. Thank you to Mike Czyzniejewki and everyone at MCR! The contributor list of this issue is FIRE! Get yourself a copy!

Verse Daily has featured my poem “Peel the Black Walnut Bark Like Small Fists in Our Fists” today!

I’m delighted to share that the always wonderful Verse Daily has featured my poem today: “Peel the Black Walnut Bark Like Small Fists in Our Fists.” Thank you to J.P. Dancing Bear and to the Colorado Review for first giving the poem a home. https://www.versedaily.org/2023/peeltheblackwalnutbarklike.shtml