I’ve Won a Pushcart Prize!

My poem “It’s Something People in Love Do,” published last year in Sycamore Review has just WON a Pushcart Prize 2017. I’m delighted, elated. Back in 2005 I received my first Pushcart nomination, from Redactions. That and each nomination since then has felt like such an honor. To have actually won a place in the anthology this year is, well, wow. Thank you to the individuals, editors, and journals who have generously supported my work over the years. Thank you to Bill Henderson and the rest of the Pushcart folks for choosing this poem for the 2017 Pushcart Prize Anthology. And thank you again to Anthony Sutton, Mitchell Jacobs, Rachel Reynolds, and the other good people at Sycamore Review for giving my poem a home in the first place!


“The Hay Out There and the Hay in You” Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Phoebe

My poem “The Hay Out There and the Hay in You” has just been published online at Phoebe Journal as part of a sneak peak from their upcoming 46.1 fall/winter print issue. The good folks at Phoebe have also been kind enough to nominate this poem for a Pushcart Prize — my fourth nomination this year. Huge thank yous to Robbie Maakestad, Doug Luman, and the other editors and readers for Phoebe. This poem is particularly close to my heart, and it’s a delight to be able to share it with you.

Read the poem HERE.

“Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” Runner-Up for the Brittany Noakes Poetry Award

I’m honored and delighted to share the news that my poem “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” was selected as Runner-Up for the Brittany Noakes Poetry Award whose entree fees benefit the Live Your Dream Award, sponsored by SI of Rittenhouse Square, PA, for a single mother who has experienced hardships, to help her pursue her education. Click HERE to read (and hear me read) my poem (first published in Rattle Issue 50) along with super-kind words by Shevaun Brannigan and contest judge J.C. Todd. Thanks so much to you both!

“We Come Here Every Day So You’re Already Won” in River Styx

As winter sunlight crawls slowly across the snow today, I’m excited to have received my contributor copies of River Styx Issue 95 which contains my work poem “We Come Here Every Day So You’re Already Won,” an Honorable Mention for the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Prize. What a bounty of literary goodies, including work by Cate Lycurgus, Thomas Lux, Doug Ramspeck, Bruce Bond, Richard Cecil, Amit Majmudar, Cornelius Eady, Michael Czyzniejewski, Peter Kline, Allison Joseph, Brian Brodeur, Zeina Hashem Beck to name but a few! The great cover is by Theo R. Welling, who has more dog show photos inside. Thanks again Richard Newman, Lizzy Petersen, Jyl Brady and the other River Styx readers and editors!

My Poem Among Story Magazine’s Most Powerful Stories of 2015

I’m honored to find that my poem “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” – a finalist for the 2015 Rattle Poetry Prize and recently published in Issue 50 – was included in this list of the Most Powerful Stories of 2015 by the editors of Story Magazine. It’s so cool to see my poem among this eclectic gathering of 2015’s essays, novels, news stories, film, music and more, rubbing metaphorical shoulders (after the top 10) with Marc Maron’s WTF interview with President Obama and the final season of Mad Men. Thanks Story Magazine!

Honorable Mention in the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Contest

I’m all atingle to announce that my poem “We Come Here Every Day So You’ve Already Won” has been selected as an Honorable Mention in the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Contest, judged by Andrew Hudgins.

Congratulations to the winner Peter Kline, and the other poets who placed and received honorable mentions, including Allison Joseph, Brian Brodeur, Austin Allen, Zeina Hashem Beck, Heather Altfield.

Thanks to Richard Newman, judge Andrew Hudgins, and the other River Styx Editors!

Semifinalist for the 2015 Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize

I’m delighted to announce that my poem “You Can Keep Your Employee of the Month Award” has been accepted for publication in Crab Creek Review.

It was chosen as one of the semifinalists for the 2015 Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize. Congrats to the winner, Laura Read, and the other poems that placed.

Thank you Martha Silano and the other Crab Creek Review editors!