Poetry Competition Winner at Columbia Journal

Today I received my contributor’s copy of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art issue 53 which includes my poem, “So That’s What an Invisible Barrier Looks Like.”

This poem was selected by judge Beth Ann Fennelly as the winner of the 2015 Poetry Competition. Thanks so much again to the readers, to Carlie Hoffman (Poetry Editor) and to Beth Ann Fennelly!

I won this year’s Poetry Competition at Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art

I am floored, jazzed, honored and breathless to announce that my poem “So That’s What an Invisible Barrier Looks Like” has been selected by judge Beth Ann Fennelly to win this year’s Poetry Competition at Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art . It will appear in issue 53.

Thanks so much to the readers, to Carlie Hoffman (Poetry Editor) and to Beth Ann Fennelly!

Pushcart Nomination from Ice Cube Press

I just received the wonderful news that my poem “Whatchamacallit” — which was published in Prairie Gold Anthology: An Anthology of the American Heartland from Ice Cube Press — has just been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

I’m so proud to be a part of this amazing anthology of writing from and about the Midwest. If you haven’t read the anthology, you can learn more about it and order a copy directly from the press HERE.

Thank so much Steve Semken and editors Lance M. Sacknoff, Xavier Cavazos and Stefanie Brook Trout!

I’ve won a Blurby!

The good folk over at The California Journal of Poetics have given me a Blurby Award for a blurb of mine which appeared on the back of Jim Daniels’ Having a Little Talk with Capital P Poetry. Specifically, I won BEST ORIGAMI METAPHOR.

Some other examples of Blurby Awards go for BEST HOMERIC SIMILE, BEST ALICE IN WONDERLAND METAPHOR, BEST REFERENCE TO KAFKA, and Amy Gerstler’s MOST ZEN IN SPITE OF IMPENDING OBLITERATION. You can read the whole award list here.

Thank you CalJoPo!