I’m excited to announce that my poem “Nerve Endings like Strawberry Runners” has been accepted for publication at Witness Magazine.
Thanks Poetry Editor Olivia Clare and the other Witness Editors!
I’m excited to announce that my poem “Nerve Endings like Strawberry Runners” has been accepted for publication at Witness Magazine.
Thanks Poetry Editor Olivia Clare and the other Witness Editors!
I am floored, jazzed, honored and breathless to announce that my poem “So That’s What an Invisible Barrier Looks Like” has been selected by judge Beth Ann Fennelly to win this year’s Poetry Competition at Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art . It will appear in issue 53.
Thanks so much to the readers, to Carlie Hoffman (Poetry Editor) and to Beth Ann Fennelly!
I’m excited to share the news that my nonfiction essay “An Elephant Walks Into a McDonalds” has been accepted for publication in Boulevard.
The essay is a memoir account of two prison arts outreach experiences I have had. The first was in the 1990s at Washington DC’s Lorton Prison as an observer with Living Stage, and the second was in the 2000s as a guest poet at a jail outside Lawrence, Kansas.
This is the second personal essay I have had accepted for publication. The first one, “Go Away and Stay Right Here,” was published last year in Colorado Review. You can purchase a paper copy of that Spring 2014 issue for $10 or a pdf for $5 HERE.
Thank you Jessica Rogen and Boulevard!
My poem “You’re Welcome To the Rest” has been accepted to appear in Salt Hill 34.
Thank you Salt Hill editors!
My poem “Nobody Is Ever Missing” has been accepted to appear in the next issue of Barrow Street. Thank you Barrow Street Editors!
The title of my poem was taken from the last line of John Berryman’s “Dream Song 29.” You can watch a video of him reading his poem HERE.
Two collaborative prose poems written with Dustin Nightingale, “The Automatic Door Will Open Even For You” and “Over and Over Until We Actually Die, Which Is Tomorrow Eventually,” have been accepted at Another Chicago Magazine.
Thank you David Welch and the other ACM editors!
My unpublished poem “Gathering a Few Facts” has been chosen to appear in the Best New Poets 2014 anthology, guest edited by Dorianne Laux.
The anthology comes out this November. You can see a list of the 50 poets/poems chosen HERE.
A facebook announcement with pictures of the poets is HERE.
I am honored and seriously excited by this happy news. Thanks so much BNP editors, Jazzy Danziger and Dorianne Laux!
Two collaborative prose poems, written with Dustin Nightingale, have been accepted at The Chattahoochee Review. Thank you editors Michael Diebert and Lydia Ship!
“The Weight of Everything,” a prose poem written in collaboration with the poet Dustin Nightingale, has just been accepted for publication in Inter|rupture. Thank you Curtis Perdue and Katherine Factor!
Above image from the June 2014 issue. Art by Henrique Lima.
My poem “Even The Best of Us Are Generally Waiting” has been accepted for publication by The Pinch.
Thank you Pinch editors!