Oh my goodness! My lyric essay “What You’re Thinking Now Is a Chunk of Marble” has just been accepted at Southeast Review! It’s the second in my series of lyric essays inspired by the 4 fundamental forces of physics–this one being the gravity essay. Now I need to get on the stick and finish the remaining 2 on the strong and weak nuclear reactions… Thank you Dyan Neary and the rest of the CNF staff!
Tag Archives: Lyric Essay
Write your lyric essay!
The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, where I’ve taught seven of the last ten years, has begun sharing writing exercises as part of their new online content. The Institute won’t be happening in person this summer, for obvious reasons, but anyone can now enjoy free weekly writing prompts from the faculty. Today they’ve posted an exercise I created.
It’s a prompt to guide you in writing a lyric essay, specifically one of the fragmented/collage type lyric essays which I love so much. Happy writing!
To get the writing exercise, click HERE!
My Lyric Essay “Licked by Our World We Get Licked by Our World” Accepted by the Bellingham Review
I’m thrilled to share the news that my lyric essay “Licked by Our World We Get Licked by Our World” has been accepted by the Bellingham Review. I’ve long loved this literary journal and their commitment to lyric and hybrid essays. It’s such a delight that they’ll be publishing this essay.
It’s the last of my four essays inspired by the four classical elements to have found a home–this is my water essay and touches on Jaws, Altered States, fishing, drowning, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. Now I need to finish the last two essays of my following series based on the four fundamental forces in physics. I’m currently knee deep in the Strong Force and have to find a 4000 word essay inside the *gulp* 14,000 words of rough draft I’ve so far spun.
My Interview & Reading on The Campbell Conversations on WRVO
In case you missed this weekend’s radio broadcasts, you can now stream my interview on The Campbell Conversations on WRVO by Grant Reeher, Director of the Campbell Public Affairs Institute at Syracuse University. I discuss my poetic practice, contemporary poetry…I read from my lyric essay “Each Breeze Began Life Somewhere As a Little Cough” and from my second poetry book, “If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun,” which just won Elixir Press’ 2019 Antivenom Poetry Award and will be published there next year. You can stream the show HERE, and thanks for listening!
My Lyric Essay “Root That Mountain” Presented with the Meek Award from The Florida Review!
I’m thrilled to learn that my lyric essay “Root That Mountain” has been awarded the 2018 Meek Award for Creative Nonfiction from The Florida Review. This award recognizes the best non-contest, non-solicited work published by the journal in 2018. Thank you Lisa Roney and the rest of The Florida Review editors and staff for this honor!
My Lyric Essay “Root That Mountain” Published in The Florida Review
Even the sub-arctic chill of this polar vortex can’t cool the thrill of receiving my copies of The Florida Review, which contains my lyric essay “Root That Mountain.” I’ve shared the first three pages here. This essay is from my series on the four elements; it’s the dirt essay. Thank you to my friends J Keirn-Swanson and Dustin Nightingale for letting me interview them for it. Thank you to Lisa Roney, Mike Shier, and the rest of The Florida Review staff.
Lyric Essay “Root That Mountain” Accepted at The Florida Review
My lyric essay “Root That Mountain” has been accepted for publication at The Florida Review. This essay is from a series I recently completed on the four classical elements. It’s the dirt essay. Yay dirt! Here’s the song that inspired the title:
Best of the Net Nomination for my essay in Passages North
Huge thanks to Willow Grosz and the rest of the good folks at Passages North for nominating my lyric essay Each Breeze Began Life Somewhere As a Little Cough for the Best of the Net Anthology!
My Lyric Essay “Strike Anywhere” Accepted at Quarterly West.
Thrilled to share the news that my lyric essay “Strike Anywhere” has just been accepted at Quarterly West. This is the second essay from my recently completed series on the four classical elements to have found a home–it’s theme, no surprise, is fire. Also Jack Tripper’s in it. On skates.
Lyric Essay “Each Breeze Began Life Somewhere As a Little Cough” Published Online at Passages North