Fugue just accepted my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” in an email which also said, “Our team was immediately drawn into your poignant imagery, attention to sound, and the submission’s human themes.” Golly, my heart is curled up on the floor purring. Thankyouthankyouthankyou to Reid Davis and everyone at Fugue!
Category Archives: Poem
“A Wolf Chases Honestly Bites You” in the new issue of 32 Poems!
Oh my goodness!!! My contributor copy of 32 Poems just arrived, with my poem “A Wolf Chases Honestly Bites You” along with poems by so many of my favorite poets! What a joy! Thank you to George David Clark, Elizabeth Clark, and everyone at 32 Poems.
“The Groundhog Full of Yellow Roses” published in Rhino!
I’m delighted to receive my contributor copy of this year’s Rhino with my poem “The Groundhog Full of Yellow Roses” Huge thanks to everyone at Rhino! And thank you also to Gary, our backyard groundhog, for the inspiration.
New Poem Video: “One Light in a Field of Other Lights”
I’m delighted to share this 3rd poem video I’ve made with my nephew Brian Citro: “One Light in a Field of Other Lights”
Poem by Christopher Citro
Music by Brian Citro
Video by Christopher
2 poems published in Sweet!
I’m delighted to share that today I’ve had 2 poems published in the new issue of Sweet, complete with audio of me reading them: “It’s Only Me the Toyota with the Bungeed Muffler” and “I Want To Reach Out and Hold Your Reach Out.” Huge thanks to Andy Braithwaite, Katie Riegel, Chelsea Dingman, and everyone at Sweet!
My 2 poems in Sprung Formal!
Thank you to the editors and crew of Sprung Formal: The Kansas City Art Institute’s Literary Arts Journal for publishing my poems “We Are Different in This Room” and “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down.” The issue is published online right now and also as a print issue. Snazzy!
My poem’s featured on Poetry Daily!
Today Poetry Daily today is featuring my poem “Sneaking Back Inside” from my second book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun.
HUGE thank to Judy Leserman and everyone at Poetry Daily!
32 Poems has accepted my poem “A Wolf Chases Honestly Bites You”
Holy-moly! 32 Poems just accepted my poem “A Wolf Chases Honestly Bites You” and I’m freaking out! Wow! Thank you George David Clark and everyone at 32 Poems! I’m headin’ out for some prosecco, cuz there’s gonna be some celebratin’ going on around the ol’ homestead tonight!
Poem Accepted at Moon City Review: “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish”
I’m delighted to learn that Moon City Review has accepted my poem “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish.” This was written after a solitary walk down to Inkwell Beach late one night from the faculty house at the last in person Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. A big starlit sky. Lights of little boats in the distance. A water bottle filled with bourbon and orange juice… Thank you Sara Burge and everyone at MCR!
2 poems in The Iowa Review!
Wow! I just got my contributor copies of The Iowa Review and I’m touched and delighted to see that my poems open the issue, and that the first one, which has kite flying in it, has a marvelous photo of kites opposite it. HUGE THANK YOUs to Abagail Petersen, Lynne Nugent, Katie Berta and everyone at TIR. I have had poems published online at TIR, and now it’s a thrill to have 2 poems in this print issue!