“The Sweet of Being Made Right” accepted at Sixth Finch

I’m delighted to share the news that my poem “The Sweet of Being Made Right” has been accepted by Sixth Finch for their winter issue. Thanks so much Rob MacDonald and the Sixth Finch crew!

To celebrate I’ve been rereading poems from the archive. Remember that great one about goats by Jennifer Denrow from back in the Winter 2011 issue? Do yourself a favor and reread it HERE.

Poem accepted at Ploughshares

Friends, I’m here today to share the news that a week ago the good folk at Ploughshares accepted my poem “The People Who Live Near Us Are Our Neighbors.” They wanted a second one too, but sadly I’d withdrawn that one earlier.

I’ve been living in Thrillsville ever since.

Thank you John Skoyles and the other Ploughshares readers and editors!

2 Poems Accepted at The Journal

I’m jazzed to the nth degree to announce that The Journal has just accepted my two poems “Holding My Head in Both My Hands” and “We Were Doing Fine and Then We Disappeared Peacefully.”

I’ll keep this happy news in mind tomorrow as the snow drops begin to fall here in Syracuse. Sigh…

Thank you so much Mikko Harvey and the other Journal Editors!

Honorable Mention in the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Contest

I’m all atingle to announce that my poem “We Come Here Every Day So You’ve Already Won” has been selected as an Honorable Mention in the 2015 River Styx International Poetry Contest, judged by Andrew Hudgins.

Congratulations to the winner Peter Kline, and the other poets who placed and received honorable mentions, including Allison Joseph, Brian Brodeur, Austin Allen, Zeina Hashem Beck, Heather Altfield.

Thanks to Richard Newman, judge Andrew Hudgins, and the other River Styx Editors!

Semifinalist for the 2015 Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize

I’m delighted to announce that my poem “You Can Keep Your Employee of the Month Award” has been accepted for publication in Crab Creek Review.

It was chosen as one of the semifinalists for the 2015 Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize. Congrats to the winner, Laura Read, and the other poems that placed.

Thank you Martha Silano and the other Crab Creek Review editors!