I’m delighted to receive the news that Sprung Formal: The Kansas City Art Institute’s Literary Arts Journal has accepted my poems “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down,” and “We Are Different in This Room.” Thank you Kaylea Halstead, Victoria Cairns, and the whole editorial team!
Author Archives: Christopher
I love you. I want us both to eat well. On Valentine’s Day.
Wow! I’m so touched that this Valentine’s Day my line, “I love you. I want us both to eat well,” from my poem “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” was quoted in two Valentine’s Day food writing articles.
Thank you Bettina Makalintal for quoting from my poem in your article “‘Table for Two’ Embraces the Romance of Everyday Cooking Treated with care, even beans on toast can feel special” for Eater Magazine!
Thank you Sumayyah for quoting from my poem in your article “Relationshipping: How to Do Well with Everyone & Everything” for Hot Off the Press, the Vaughan Public Libraries blog!
Poetry Out Loud!
Congratulations to all the reciters at tonight’s Semifinals of the NY State Poetry Out Loud Competition. It was an honor to be one of the judges. All those poems, all that passion. Best of luck to the winner and the runner up at next month’s state finals!
“Don’t Fall” accepted at the Idaho Review!
Deeeelighted to receive the news that The Idaho Review has accepted “Don’t Fall,” a collaborative prose poem that I wrote with Dustin Nightingale. Thank you Desmond Fuller and the whole IR crew!
Judging the Poetry Out Loud semifinals here in town!
I’m delighted to receive an invitation to be a judge for the Poetry Out Loud semifinals at Onondaga Community College next week. I was a judge for the finals in Indiana years ago, and it was such a fun, inspiring event!
Thrilled to be nominated again for a Pushcart Prize!
What a thrill to be nominated by a contributing editor (thank you!) for this year’s Pushcart Prize. Winning a Pushcart in 2018 was such an honor. Fingers crossed for another chance!
Thank you New South!
As the snow flurries fall, I’m delighted to be reviewing proofs of my collaborative prose poem, written with Dustin Nightingale, “Like a Fist Next to Your Heart,” soon to appear in the next issue of New South!
Me readin’ a poem on the TV last week!
Turned on the TV and what did I see? Me! Reading my Pushcart Prize-winning poem “It’s Something People in Love Do” broadcast on WPBS Weekly: Inside the Stories last Tuesday. Hope you enjoy!
Announcing my winter 2023 private online writing workshops!
Announcing my 2 private winter Zoom workshops starting at the end of January! I’m offering my poetry workshop “In the Landscape of Contemporary Poetry” (always new readings each time I teach it) & “Adventures in the Lyric Essay,” my popular workshop on this exciting Creative Nonfiction genre.
If you’ve taken my “The Lyric Essay” class before, this is an all NEW class with new readings! If you don’t have experience with the lyric essay, this class is ALSO for you, as I’ll provide a brief introduction to the form in the first class. Heat up your writing this winter! Join us!
Details & registration available at http://christophercitro.com/private-classes/
Register soon as spaces fill quickly!
My poem in The American Poetry Review!
I’m thrilled to received my contributor’s copy of The American Poetry Review with my poem “We Couldn’t Be More Biological.” This is my 2nd appearance in APR and I’m spinning around the house doing a whirly dance just like the 1st time. Thank you Elizabeth Scanlon!