Poetry Competition Winner at Columbia Journal

Today I received my contributor’s copy of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art issue 53 which includes my poem, “So That’s What an Invisible Barrier Looks Like.”

This poem was selected by judge Beth Ann Fennelly as the winner of the 2015 Poetry Competition. Thanks so much again to the readers, to Carlie Hoffman (Poetry Editor) and to Beth Ann Fennelly!

“An Elephant Walks Into a McDonalds” in Boulevard Fall 2015

Today I received the wonderful news that my creative nonfiction essay “An Elephant Walks Into a McDonalds” is slated to appear in the fall 2015 issue of Boulevard Magazine.

Given the endless winters one must suffer through living here in Syracuse, it’s absurd to wish that fall would hurry the hell up. It’s completely preposterous. It’s just silly to wish something like that. Seriously.

Teaching August 7 – 9 at the 2015 August Occasion

I’m thrilled to announce that I will be on the poetry faculty of the 2015 August Occasion, sponsored by The Downtown Writer’s Center of Syracuse, NY.

Three days of writing workshops, readings, food and inspiring company will take place August 7 – 9 at the beautiful Harding Farm in Clinton, NY. My fellow instructors are Sarah Freligh and Jasmine Bailey (poetry); Sarah Freligh and David Lloyd (fiction); Sarah Freligh, Megan Davidson, and Linda Lowen (creative non-fiction).

Registration is inexpensive and open to the general public. For more info and to register today click HERE.