I had a great time reading and talking about my poetry last Thursday with Albert Abonado on his radio show Flour City Yawp on WAYO 104.3FM Rochester!
Listen to a podcast of the show HERE.
I had a great time reading and talking about my poetry last Thursday with Albert Abonado on his radio show Flour City Yawp on WAYO 104.3FM Rochester!
Listen to a podcast of the show HERE.
Delighted to have received my contributor copy of Quiddity, which contains my poem “What Can I Do?” along with a bonanza of new work by such wonderfuls as Joanne Diaz, Kathleen McGookey, Sandy Marchetti, John Sibley Williams, Heather Cox, Julie B Barbour, Kristina Marie Darling, and more — and a conversation with Adam Clay, Ada Limón, and Michael Robins! Thanks so much again to Joanna Beth Tweedy, John McCarthy, Pamm Collebrusco, Lisa Higgs and the rest of the folks at Quiddity!
A poem and a short interview with me have just been published online as part of Fairy Tale Review‘s Pins & Needles Q&A series. Poetry Editor Jon Riccio asked some really fun questions about my two poems published in FTR‘s Ochre Issue, and in the space of a few hundred words I managed to cram in Robyn Hitchcock, Mary Ruefle, Craig Raine, Anthony Burgess, Dostoyevsky, James Taylor, Pringles, T.S. Eliot, Ross Gay, P.G. Wodehouse, and Alpha Centauri. Plus the full text of one of the poems, “We’re Actually Fabulous” is included at the end of the interview. Thanks again Jon!
Read HERE.
Hugely excited to share the news that Blackbird has accepted my poem “Anyway and Try to Stay Alive on What It Gives Us.” Thank you to Blackbird’s editors and readers, and thank you to the awful Dollar Store post-it notes and mustard that inspired the poem.
Today I celebrate beginning my 100th writing journal. Nearly every poem I’ve ever written began as a first draft in these journals, starting with journal #1 way back in my sophomore year in high school. Which was some time ago now. 🙂
As the full-length manuscript of the collaborative prose poems I’ve been writing with Dustin Nightingale begins to find its way out to a few presses for consideration, it’s a thrill to share the news that one of the remaining unpublished poems, “Every Other Week a New Planet,” has just been accepted at Jellyfish Magazine!
Additionally, three of our previously published collaborative prose poems have been accepted for They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Contemporary Collaborative Writing, forthcoming next summer from Black Lawrence Press. Yippee!
Massive thanks to Marcus Wicker, Emily Skaja, Ron Mitchell, and the rest of the good people at Southern Indiana Review for including my poems “Elegy for the Travel Agents” and “Beaver Lake” in the spring issue! It’s such an joy to share these pages with the likes of George David Clark, Emily Rose Cole, John Gallaher, Anna Claire Hodge, Ada Limón, Mark Neely, Sarah Rose Nordgren, Catherine Pond, Maggie Smith-Beehler, Ephraim Scott Sommers, Michael Waters, and more! Not to mention the interview with, and visual art by, Guided By Voices’ Robert Pollard!
I’m delighted to share the news that my poems “Shadows of Blackbirds on Our Arms” and “Let’s Arm Ourselves with Supple Skin” have been accepted for publication in the venerable Southwest Review. Helps make up for the fact that someone seems to have misplaced the springtime sun here in Syracuse. Been missing for a week. Probably fell behind the fridge. 🙂
Huge thanks to Poetry Editor Courtney Flerlage and the rest of the folks at Meridian for accepting my poems “The Sky We Want to Reach Up and Press Our Thumbs Into” and “One Theory of What’s Happening Out There” for publication in their upcoming Borders issue!
My poem “It’s Something People in Love Do,” published last year in Sycamore Review has just WON a Pushcart Prize 2017. I’m delighted, elated. Back in 2005 I received my first Pushcart nomination, from Redactions. That and each nomination since then has felt like such an honor. To have actually won a place in the anthology this year is, well, wow. Thank you to the individuals, editors, and journals who have generously supported my work over the years. Thank you to Bill Henderson and the rest of the Pushcart folks for choosing this poem for the 2017 Pushcart Prize Anthology. And thank you again to Anthony Sutton, Mitchell Jacobs, Rachel Reynolds, and the other good people at Sycamore Review for giving my poem a home in the first place!