“The Horses Are Ready and They Need to Go” Published Online at The Cincinnati Review!

My microfiction “The Horses Are Ready and They Need to Go” has just been published online at The Cincinnati Review as part of their miCRo Series. Please click the link below to read it, or to listen to the audio of me reading it to you! 🙂 Thank so much Lisa Ampleman, Jess Jelsma Masterton, and the rest of the kind folks at The Cincinnati Review!

Read/listen HERE!

My Lyric Essay “Root That Mountain” Published in The Florida Review

Even the sub-arctic chill of this polar vortex can’t cool the thrill of receiving my copies of The Florida Review, which contains my lyric essay “Root That Mountain.” I’ve shared the first three pages here. This essay is from my series on the four elements; it’s the dirt essay. Thank you to my friends J Keirn-Swanson and Dustin Nightingale for letting me interview them for it. Thank you to Lisa Roney, Mike Shier, and the rest of The Florida Review staff.

Thank you Martha’s Vineyard!

With a steaming cup of chowder on the ferry off of Martha’s Vineyard I toast thank you to all the wonderful people who came out for my lyric essay class yesterday and my poetry reading and book signing today. Thank you to Carolina and Merissa for your help and hospitality. Thank you to everyone for making my winter visit to the vineyard cozy and warm! Can’t wait to come back in June for the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing tenth anniversary!

Martha’s Vineyard Times Article About my Class and Reading This Weekend

Thank you Kate Feiffer of the The Martha’s Vineyard Times for this beautiful, generous article about my lyric essay class and poetry reading this weekend at the Oak Bluffs Library on Martha’s Vineyard! If you’re in the area come on by! Both my class (Fri 1/25 3:30-5:30) and my reading (Sat 1/26 10:30-11:30 am) are free and open to the public, thanks to the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Year-Round Visiting Writers Series.

Read the article HERE.

“And Can Digest as Much” and “Craters the Naturally Forming Basin” Published in Sixth Finch

As another blizzard prepares to descend upon us here in Syracuse, I’m curling up around the warm glow of the new issue of Sixth Finch which contains my poems, “And Can Digest as Much” and “Craters the Naturally Forming Basin,” as well as stellar new poems by folks such as Rachel Bennett, Lauren Camp, Bill Carty, Jeremy Allan Hawkins, Adam Tavel, and more! It’s such a thrill to have my poetry in Sixth Finch again. A thousand thanks to Rob MacDonald and Jaime Zuckerman!
