I’m deee-lighted to share the news that Sweet: A Literary Confection has accepted my poems “It’s Only Me the Toyota with the Bungeed Muffler” and “I Want To Reach Out and Hold Your Reach Out.” Huge thank you to Chelsea Dingman and all the good folks at Sweet. I’m having a great big scoop of chocolate ice cream this morning to celebrate!
Author Archives: Christopher
2 Poems accepted at Terrain.org!
What lovely news! Terrain.org has accepted my poems “Birds Come in Two Basic Sizes” and “Fugus Beneath the Bark, Oil.” Thank you to Simmons Buntin and the whole Terrain.org crew!
Do yourself a favor today and listen to the 6 Arthur Sze poems they published this March! 😀
2 Collaborative Prose Poems Accepted at CutBank!
Delighted to learn that CutBank has accepted two collaborative prose poems, written with Dustin Nightingale: “A Crumb of Wind” and “Here Beside Us with Us.” Huzzah!
Listen to me reading new poems on The Campbell Conversations!
This July 4th weekend I appeared on WRVO’s Campbell Conversations reading poems from the manuscript-in-progress of my 3rd book. The stream is now available, and you also get to hear the wonderful Dana Spiotta and Phil Memmer. Have a listen! Huge thank you to host Grant Reeher for having me back on the program.
My craft essay in The American Poetry Review!
Thrilled thrilled thrilled to hold the brand new American Poetry Review, which contains my craft essay On Giving Up! In every way a dream come true. Thank you Elizabeth Scanlon and the entire American Poetry Review crew!
“Groundhog Full of Yellow Roses” accepted at RHINO!
Delighted to receive the news that my poem “Groundhog Full of Yellow Roses” has been accepted at RHINO!
I’ve been interviewed by Bellingham Review!
Thank you Bellingham Review for interviewing me about my lyric essay “Licked By Our World We Get Licked By Our World“! Wanna read a little about my essay, my writing life, some creative nonfiction writing advice, tips for gardening looped on prosecco? http://bhreview.org/2022/06/07/contributor-spotlight-christopher-citro/
Join me for my summer Zoom poetry workshop!
I’m offering a 6-week private Zoom poetry workshop this summer! Wednesdays 6-8 pm ET. Classes begin the last week of June 2022.
Please visit my website for more info and to register. http://christophercitro.com/private-classes/
Register early as classes will cap at 12 participants each. Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested! 😀
Reviewing American Poetry Review proofs!
That little yelp of joy you might have heard just now was me, sorry, going through the proofs of my craft essay, “On Giving Up: Its Uses and Benefits in the Writing Life,” which will appear in The American Poetry Review‘s July/August issue. Even typing that out I still can’t believe that it’s true. Sigh… I’m getting ready to give a yelp again. Sorry. 😀
3 of my poems just published in Court Green!
The new issue of Court Green has launched and it contains my poems “Flavorfest Sparkle Supreme Seascape Eversweet,” “How Many Exoplanets Will It Take,” and “Pinkies and Stumpies,” along with a ton of new poetry by awesome folks! I’m so thrilled these poems are here and in this amazing company. Head on over to Court Green and check out the issue! Thank you Aaron Smith, Tony Trigilio, David Trinidad, and Cora Jacobs!