I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be returning as a faculty member for next summer’s Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing and registration has OPENED! There are two 1-week sessions available (I’m teaching during the first week). Do something nice for yourself, and register to join us on the Vineyard next summer for a writing extravaganza!
I am thrilled to announce that I’m teaching a special weekend of virtual generative poetry workshops through the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing April 5-7, 2024! Give yourself the gift of a concentrated weekend of fun writing prompts, with audio, video, & poetic inspiration, all in a welcoming, inspiring environment with an awesome fellow group of poets! We’ll get a bunch of new poems drafts begun! Plus I’ll give a poetry reading and there will be open mics for attendees to share and celebrate their work! Hot damn this is going to be a blast. Register now!
Oh yes!! I am profoundly excited to announce that Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing is back for 2024!!! And I’ll be returning as faculty, teaching seminars in poetry, the lyric essay, and publishing, along with awesome fellow faculty for an inspiring week of creative writing on the island. Come join us for an experience you’ll cherish. Registration is open now!
I’m delighted to learn that Moon City Review has accepted my poem “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish.” This was written after a solitary walk down to Inkwell Beach late one night from the faculty house at the last in person Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. A big starlit sky. Lights of little boats in the distance. A water bottle filled with bourbon and orange juice… Thank you Sara Burge and everyone at MCR!
I’m thrilled to have received my contributor copy of The Open Page, the new anthology of creative writing exercises and poems, fictions, and essays from the faculty of The Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. I have a poetry exercise (and some poems) and a lyric essay exercise (and a whole lyric essay) in it. Plus there’s TONS of awesome stuff by so many of my fellow MVICW faulty! Get yourself a copy and write write write!
The awesome list of contributors include: Tony Ardizzone, Ruth Awad, Bradley Bazzle, Christopher Citro 😀, Tia Clark, Rebecca Gayle Howell, Matthew Gavin Frank, John T Howard, Michael Kardos, Keith Leonard, Amelia Martens, Michael Martone, Amy Meng, Sequoia Nagamatsu, Phong Nguyen, Randi Beck Ocena, Catherine Pierce, Wendy Rawlings, Robert James Russell, Elizabeth Schmuhl, Britton Shurley, Keith Taylor, Samantha Tetangco, Samrat Upadhyay, Alexander Weinstein, and Kea Wilson!
I wrapped up my week teaching for the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing by teaching my class on strategies for building a poetry book manuscript. What a great week, what an inspiring time I’ve had with all the attendees and my fellow faculty. Wow! And plus we ended with readings by Adrian Matejka & Keith Taylor. Wow wow!
Just a reminder that I’m reading this evening 6-7 EDT with the wonderful Matthew Gavin Frank. The event is free and open to the public, just register for the Zoom link via that bitly address in the image. I’ll be reading poems from my new book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun. Come join us already!
Day 2 of this summer’s virtual Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, and I just finished teaching my class on The Hermit Crab Essay. What an amazing session, such wonderful comments and questions, and the in-class writing that people shared was…wow…so generous, so moving, so beautiful.
This summer’s virtual Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing is underway this week! Today I’m delighted to be teaching my Introduction to the Lyric Essay class! Wonderful opening ceremony last night, with readings by Leonard A Slade Jr. and Alexander Weinstein. Skål!
I’m reading from my new poetry book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun, Wednesday June 9 from 6-7 EDT and anyone can attend the reading! Just register for your free Zoom link via the bit.ly address in this image. My reading is part of next week’s virtual Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, where I’m also teaching. You don’t have to be attending the Institute to attend the reading though! It’s open to the public. Plus you get to hear the awesome Matthew Gavin Frank! Come on by!