3 poems in the new issue of West Branch!

The new online issue of West Branch appears today, and among the wealth of wonderfulness, it contains my three poems, “If Alone Has a Flavor,” “Quartered Suns,” and “That’s Me When That’s You.” Thank you Joseph Scapellato, Andrew Ciotola, and the rest of the West Branch Magazine crew! I’m so delighted to have these poems appear here!!!


“One Light in a Field of Other Lights” at the Syracuse Airport!

It was a delight to have my prompt, “Traveling Toward a Poem,” and my poem “One Light in a Field of Other Lights” used as part of the Syracuse Airport’s POETRY IN FLIGHT poem contest for April. The contest is now closed. On April 16 they posted on twitter this cool gif/video they made from my poem.

My new poetry book is one week old!

My new poetry book is one week old–If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun, winner of the Elixir Press Antivenom Poetry Award! Thank you everyone who has bought a copy! Thank you everyone who has rated and reviewed it on Amazon and Goodreads, everyone who has requested a review copy, everyone who has posted awesome pics of the book in your hands, everyone who has reached out personally to me with kind and gracious words about it. My book and I are purring like kittens on tiny motorcycles.

Buy a signed copy from me HERE!

Buy a copy from Small Press Distribution or Amazon!

Publication Day for my new book If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun!!!

It’s publication day for my second poetry book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun, which won the Elixir Press Antivenom Poetry Award! I’ve got some heartfelt thankin’ to do! Thank you to judge Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis for selecting it to win. Thank you to Dana Curtis for creating such a beautiful object, and to Amanda Friedman for allowing us to use your luminous photograph for the cover. Thank you to my generous blurbers Diane Seuss, Lee Upton, Dean Young, and Ross Gay. Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered copies from Amazon and Small Press Distribution. Thank you to everyone who has ordered signed copies from my website! Thank you to my partner Sarah without whom this book would not exist. And thank you to you all for reading!

My new book is in the world!

Hot diggity! I just got my first box of books!!! My second poetry book, If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun, is in the world! The book is officially released on April 1, 2021.
You can order a signed copy from me right now here.
You can order a regular copy from Small Press Distribution or Amazon.
If you’re a reviewer, request a review copy from me!
Thank you to judge Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis for selecting it to win the Antivenom Poetry Prize.
Thank you to Dana Curtis and Elixir Press for making such a beautiful book.
Thank you to Amanda Friedman for your luminous photograph which graces the cover.
And thank you to my partner Sarah, to whom it is dedicated, for that champagne celebration last night!

“Let Go Inside Let It Out” published in Salamander!

It’s a delight to have received my contributor copy of the new Salamander #51, which contains my poem “Let Go Inside Let It Out,” as well as stunning work by so many poets and writers I admire. Thank you Katie Sticca, José Angel Araguz, Anna V.Q. Ross, and the whole Salamander team! I’ve been working on some lyric essays inspired by the strong and weak nuclear forces…and this poem sort of grew out of that little obsession. 🙂

My new book is available to pre-order!

My new book If We Had a Lemon We’d Throw It and Call That the Sun (winner of the 2019 Elixir Press Antivenom Poetry Award) is NOW available to pre-order at Amazon!!! It’s publication date is April 1, 2021. And I can reveal the beautiful cover with an awesome photograph by Amanda Friedman. My heart is overflowing!

Pre-order the book at Amazon HERE!

Visit the book’s page at the publisher’s website HERE!

It will also be available in the future from Small Press Distribution HERE!

“Like a River Stood on End” and “Black Bean Sauce” published in Cherry Tree!

It’s a joy to have received my contributor copy of the new Cherry Tree, which contains my poems “Like a River Stood on End” and “Black Bean Sauce.” What a delight to appear in this issue with so many awesome poets and writers! Seriously. Huge thank yous to James Allen Hall, Alyse Bensel, Kimberly Quiogue Andrews, and the whole classy Cherry Tree crew.

Thank you Witness Magazine!

Here’s a video of me reading my poem, “The New Avenues the Only Avenues We Have,” for the launch of the new online issue of Witness. It meant a great deal to me to make this video. This poem about old and new friendships is very close to my heart and I made the recording shortly after the death of a very dear old friend.

Thank you to the editors of Witness for giving this poem a home and for hosting this virtual launch. I hope you all enjoy the video. Check back each weekend in February for more Witness Weekends video readings from the new issue…which you can read in its entirety online!

Sarah E Ruhlen’s “The Man Stealer” published in DIAGRAM!

Massive congratulations to my darling Sarah whose short story “The Man Stealer” has just been published online today in the new issue of DIAGRAM!!! Before the New Year’s Eve champagne kicks in, give it a read! It’s crammed with sizzling shipwrecks, pirates, mathematical formulae, rum, secret societies, etc. Happy new year!

Read her story HERE.