Toad & >kill author

The December Issue of Toad contains two of my poems, “Ten More Minutes, Please” and “What? What Is It You’re Trying To Tell Me?”

Also, the December Issue of >kill author contains three of my poems, “A Theme Song That Never Gets Old,” “Get Your Climbing Boots On, Betty” and “Keep It Up and You’ll Freeze Like That.” Each includes streaming audio.  For your reading and listening pleasure.

Thank you to the editors at Toad and >kill author!

PANK Magazine

The November Issue of PANK Magazine contains five of my poems: “They Must Bake an Awful Lot of Cakes,” “Lifestyle of the Non-Quarterback and the Non-Cheerleader,” “Those Daring Old Men,” “One Woman Show” & “Have It Your Way.” Each poem includes streaming audio, and three were recorded in front of an audience. For your reading and listening pleasure. Thank you PANK Magazine!