I’m blossomingly delighted to have received my contributor copies of Crazyhorse Spring 2017, which contains my poem “These Seagulls Are Better More Gullier Than the Ones in the City” — a poem inspired by the Lake Ontario shoreline in Oswego, NY. It’s an honor to share these pages with such folk as Marianne Boruch, Erica Dawson, Paul Guest, Peter LaBerge, Michael Robins, Bret Shepard, L. Lamar Wilson, Catherine Wing — to name but a few of the fantastic writers in this issue. Thanks so much Emily Rosko, Jonathan Bohr Heinen, and the rest of the Crazyhorse crew!
Author Archives: Christopher
“One Push on Top Is All It Takes” Accepted at Passages North
The good folks at Passages North have accepted my poem “One Push on Top Is All It Takes” for next year’s print issue and I couldn’t be happier. This last March they kindly published my lyric essay “Each Breeze Began Life Somewhere As a Little Cough” online.
“We Might As Well Be Hovering” Published on The Iowa Review Blog for National Poetry Month
My poem “We Might As Well Be Hovering” has been published online today at The Iowa Review blog as part of their poem-a-day celebration for National Poetry Month. Thanks so much Poetry Editor Devon Walker-Figueroa and the rest of The Iowa Review crew!
Read the poem HERE.
Teaching 2 Creative Writing Workshops This Spring at The Downtown Writer’s Center in Syracuse NY
I’m thrilled to share the news that I’ll be teaching two eight-week creative writing workshops this spring at The Downtown Writer’s Center in sunny Syracuse, NY — a Monday night workshop on the lyric essay and a Wednesday night poetry workshop focusing on the line. Both classes begin the third week of April (see the class descriptions below). Registration is inexpensive and open to the public. To learn more about The Downtown Writer’s Center, download the spring class schedule, and register for these workshops, visit the Center’s website HERE. Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested!
The Lyric Essay with Christopher Citro. Mondays, 6:00-8:00. 8 weeks, starting April 17. “The lyric essay partakes of the poem in its density and shapeliness, its distillation of ideas and musicality of language. It partakes of the essay in its weight, in its overt desire to engage with facts”(Tall & D’Agata). In this class we’ll explore this exciting hybrid genre, using prompts drawn from our reading to inspire new work.
Listening to the Line with Christopher Citro. Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00. 8 weeks, starting April 19. In this workshop, we’ll explore what contemporary poets are doing with the free verse line, how they use line breaks, the tension between the sentence and the line, and more. We’ll use prompts drawn from our readings to inspire us to experiment and grow in our own writing.
Lyric Essay “Each Breeze Began Life Somewhere As a Little Cough” Published Online at Passages North
I’m teaching at the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing July 16-22, 2017
I’m hot-damn delighted to announce that I’ll be returning again this summer to teach at the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. It’ll be my 5th year, and it just keeps getting better and better! This year’s first week’s faculty includes Alexander Weinstein, Amelia Martens, Britton Shurley, Sequoia Nagamatsu, Kea Wilson, and the second week’s includes Alexander Weinstein, Robert James Russell, Jennifer Tseng, Allegra Hyde, and me! I’ll be teaching 2 poetry seminar classes from July 16-22. Click below to register for both or either weeks, learn about grants, and enter this year’s contest (deadline March 20th). Come join us on the island!
“Save the Receipts for a Kind of Diary” in Hayden’s Ferry Review
I’m loop-de-loop thrilled to have received my contributor’s copy of Hayden’s Ferry Review Issue 59 – which includes my poem “Save the Receipts for a Kind of Diary” along with new poetry, fiction, translations, and art by Jenni B. Baker, Helene Cardona, Julie Henson, Gary Soto, Katherine E. Young and so many others. Thanks so much Meghan Kelsey, Cheyenne Black, Susan Nguyen, Dustin Pearson, and the rest of the HFR crew!
Buffalo Reading
It was so great reading poetry this Saturday at Rust Belt Books in Buffalo with these two poets, Ed Tato & Devon Moore. What a warm crowd. What a delightful time!
I’m Reading in Buffalo NY Tomorrow!
Along with poets Ed Tato and Devon Moore, I’ll be reading my poems tomorrow, Saturday March 4, 2017 at 4pm at Rust Belt Books in Buffalo (415 Grant St, Buffalo, NY 14213-1140). Admission is free, refreshments will be provided, and the poems will help melt all this March snow. If you’re in the area, swing (or cross-country ski) on by!
“The People Who Live Near Us Are Our Neighbors” Published in Ploughshares
Friends. I’m holding Ploughshares Winter 2016-2017, which includes my poem “The People Who Live Near Us Are Our Neighbors.” It’s not every day a dream comes true. What an honor to share this issue with Beth Ann Fennelly, Beth Bachmann, Anders Carlson-Wee, Tony Hoagland, Dennis Nurkse, Charles Rafferty, Sam Sax, Terese Svoboda, Leila Chatti — the list goes beautifully on. Massive, clasp-handed, doe-eyed thanks to John Taylor, David Weinstein, John Skoyles, Allison Trujillo, Ellen Duffer, and the rest of the good folks at Ploughshares.