I’m Teaching at Kettle Pond Writers’ Conference June 22-29, 2019

I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be teaching this summer at the brand new Kettle Pond Writers’ Conference at Paul Smith’s College in the Adirondacks June 22-29, 2019. I’ll be teaching the week-long poetry generative workshop. There’s tons of great classes, teachers, and events scheduled. Registration is open. Information is below. Come on up! 🙂
JUNE 22-29, 2019: Paul Smith’s College, Paul Smith’s, NY

*A community-focused conference with a warm, supportive vibe, led by excellent faculty & publishing industry professionals
*​Short and longform workshops in CNF, fiction & poetry
+ Writers’ Residency (no workshop) option
*Craft lectures, generative workshops, publishing & industry events,​ faculty & participant readings & more!
*Tuition includes room, board & access to campus facilities — library, laundry, gym, miles of hiking trails,​ canoes & kayaks, outdoor classrooms & writing spots, etc…
*A place to work on your writing & make new friends in the beautiful Adirondack Park in upstate New York
*Fellowship assistance available​
*FREE application
*Rolling admissions — Applications are open!

Questions? We’d love to answer them! info@kettlepondwriters.com

Twitter @KPondWriters
Instagram @kettlepondwriters

I’m Teaching at MVICW June 9-15! (Poetry Contest Deadline 3/25)

I’ll be teaching again this summer at the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing (June 9-15, 2019). It’s our 10th year! I’m also the poetry judge for this year’s writing contest. The deadline’s March 25, so you’ve still got almost a week to submit! Two winners will be awarded full tuition and lodging to attend the Summer Writers’ Conference, and two additional winners will be awarded partial tuition ($500 toward Tuition). Entries are judged anonymously. https://www.mvicw.com/contest

Stone Canoe No. 13 Release Party!

Last night’s release party for Stone Canoe no. 13 at The Downtown Writer’s Center was such a blast! What an honor and a delight to be the guest Poetry Editor for this issue! Thank you to everyone who sent in your poems for consideration and to the 25 poets whose work appears in the issue. It was such a joy to hear poetry readings by Laura Donnelly, Devon Branca, Genoa Wilson, and Jackie Craven (apologies for my blurry cell photos). Huge thanks to the diligent Assistant Editors Judy Carr, Cindy Ostuni, and Gloria Heffernan — your wise work has paid off in a beautiful issue and you should be proud. Thank you to Managing Editor Carol Biesemeyer for your many considerations. And thank you again to Phil Memmer for inviting me to be a part of this issue. Everyone should order a copy and chase the winter blues away with all the poems, fiction, nonfiction…there’s also a play, interviews with Alison Lurie and Edward Hower, a trove of visual art! Long live Stone Canoe!

Thank you to everyone who came out to my reading last night!

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to my poetry reading last night as part of the LiterarY Dinner to raise money for the Arts Branch of the Syracuse YMCA in support of all the amazing and necessary work they do in the community. Thank you again to Joe and Mary for hosting us and to Phil Memmer for inviting me to read and for cooking such amazing Indian food (Sarah sends thanks for her “carry out” 🙂 ) And thank you to Meredith and Nancy for the photos! What a warm and wonderful evening!

January/February decomP Released!

The January/February issue of decomP just hit the digital newsstands and even if I weren’t its poetry editor I’d feel like celebrating. Read and enjoy the winter warmth of so much literary goodness!

Raymond Deej, J. R. Gerow, Robert Garner McBrearty, Robin Small

Andrew Reichard

Glen Armstrong, Bruce Bond, Abigail Goodhart, Amorak Huey, Benjamin Niespodziany, Jon Riccio, Dawn Tefft, mica yarrow woods

A Review of Veterans Crisis Hotline by Jon Chopan, A Review of How Much Of What Falls Will Be Left When It Gets To The Ground? by Carolyn Guinzio, A Review of pungent dins concentric by Vanessa Couto Johnson, A Review of Ghostographs: An Album by Maria Romasco Moore

***SOLD OUT!***I’m reading poetry this Saturday February 9, 2019!

***UPDATE*** I’ve just been informed we’re sold out for tomorrow’s fundraising dinner/reading. Sorry! 🙂
Dear friends. I’m giving a poetry reading this Saturday, February 9 as part of a LiterarY Dinner in support of the Syracuse YMCA Arts Branch and The Downtown Writer’s Center and all of the amazing and valuable work they do in the community. The cost for attending is $50 — it’s a fundraiser event…and you get dinner! 🙂
Complete info is below. If you’re planning on coming, please RSVP Phil Memmer <pmemmer@syracuseymca.org>. Feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested. Thanks!
Saturday Night’s Y Lit Dinner – February 9, 2019
Location: 208 Pear Tree Dr., Camillus 13031
Time: 6:00 to ? (dinner itself will probably start around 6:45-7:00)
Guest Poet: Christopher Citro, author of The Maintenance of the Shimmy-Shammy.
Donation: $50 per person, tax deductible. You can bring a check payable to YMCA, or cash, or you can also give online at our Mobile Cause page: https://app.mobilecause.com/vf/artsymca
Our menu will include seven dishes, including four vegetarian options. It’s going to be scrumptious!
Thank you for supporting the charitable work of the Arts Branch of the Y!
Phil Memmer
Executive Director, the Arts Branch of the YMCA of Greater Syracuse
340 Montgomery St.
Syracuse, NY 13202
(315) 474-6851 x328
(315) 474-6857 (fax)