Goodbye old decomP!

For the last seven years, it’s been my great pleasure to have served as an editor for decomP magazinE, for two as Assistant Poetry Editor and five as Poetry Editor. We published an amazing group of poets and writers. I was delighted to invite my friend Steve Castro on board to fill my position as Assistant Poetry Editor, and he brought his vision and hard work to make the journal’s poetry even more awesome. This January the Managing Editor decided to end decomP. That was a shock, and it made me sad. I had nothing to do with that decision. It was his to make. I see today that the journal has morphed into a new incarnation as the “in-house journal at The Social Justice Institute at the University of British Columbia.” As of now the old archives are still up and available online. I hope they will remain so. I have no idea who is in involved with it now, but I wish them well. I thank everyone who trusted us with their poems, everyone who took me up on my invitations to submit, and my fellow editors, especially Steve Castro. All hail what decomP was. I wish smooth seas to those who will now sail in her.

And some day soon, I hope to be on board with some other beautiful literary journal.
