Join me for my private Zoom-based winter workshops!
On Wednesdays 6-8 pm ET, I’m offering another session of my popular poetry workshop “In the Landscape of Contemporary Poetry.” The title is always the same but the readings, prompts, craft talks are always different, so you can take it again and again! We’ll read very recent poetry, I’ll provide original prompts to help inspire your new poems, we look at craft elements, we’ll workshop your poems. Writers at all levels are welcome! Class begins Jan 31.
On Thursdays 6-8 pm ET, I’m offering my also popular “Introduction to the Lyric Essay.” This workshop will usher you into the wild and fun world of the lyric essay, a popular form of the contemporary experimental creative nonfiction essay. If you are a nonfiction writer wanting to engage with this popular form, this is the class for you! If you are a poet wanting to branch out into a new genre, this is the class for you! If you have never written creative nonfiction before, this is the class for you! Writers at all levels are welcome. Class begins Feb 1.
Registration is now open, and it closes on Sunday January 28.