I’m delighted to be a part of the 10th anniversary Unbound Book Festival April 17-20, 2025 in Columbia, Missouri! I’ll be presenting on 2 panels, one on birds and one on coffee. I’m writing a coffee poem specially for the festival. So many awesome authors will be presenting, make your plans now to come on and join us! https://www.unboundbookfestival.com/
Thrilled to receive the news that Cream City Review has accepted “On a Planet of Gas and Dust and Smoky Mountains, Bird Calls” a collaborative prose poem that Dustin Pearson, Steve Castro, and I wrote together! Thank you CCR!
The North American Review has just posted to their YouTube channel the video of Tuesday’s reading by poets who have been published in NAR and are also in the anthology Invisible Strings 113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift! Enjoy a buncha awesome poets (and me!) reading a buncha awesome poems, so many of them love poems…
Yippee! Heavy Feather Review just published “Placatory Congregation,” a collaborative prose poem that Steve Castro, Dustin Pearson, and I wrote together. Huge thanks to Editors Bill Lessard, Jason Teal, and everyone who makes HFR so awesome!
In the Landscape of Contemporary Poetry.Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 p.m. ET. 6 weeks, starting February 19. We’ll read recently published poetry from literary journals and books, generate new poems with the help of prompts that I create, and spend the bulk of each class in a fun, inspiring poetry workshop. In this course participants will write and receive workshop comments on five original poems. Writers at all levels are welcome. I teach In the Landscape of Contemporary Poetry often, and every time the readings are all new, so you can take it again and again!
Short-Form Creative Nonfiction Workshop. Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 p.m. ET. 6 weeks, starting February 20. In this class I’ll provide craft talks, original writing prompts, and we’ll take recent micro and flash literary essays apart to see how the writers achieved their astonishing effects in condensed forms. Then we’ll workshop your own short-form creative nonfiction essays. I teach this class often, and the readings are always different. If you’ve taken it before you can always take it again and the class content will be new. Writers at any level are welcome, including poets and fiction writers!
Registration is now open, and it closes on Sunday February 16.
I’m so deeply, deeply honored that Union Mutual Aid at Union Theological Seminary in NYC has asked to use “I love you. I want us both to eat well.” from my poem “Our Beautiful Life When It’s Filled with Shrieks” as the motto for their new weekly food program and pantry. My words and I bow deeply to Anna and everyone involved in this beautiful and needed endeavor.
Register now for Freeing the Muse, a writing retreat at the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture on the Greek island of Kefalonia May 15-21. It’s going to be AMAZING! If you register by March 15 you can get almost $700 off the registration fee. It’s a super deal. Join me and a host of awesome teachers to free your muse and write…on a Greek island!?!
The new issue of Tupelo Quarterly just launched and it contains a portfolio of 5 (five!) of my poems –plus a staggering abundance of literary riches. Thank you to Kristina Marie Darling, Yamini Pathak, and all the awesome people who make Tupelo Quarterly happen. You can read my poems here: https://www.tupeloquarterly.com/poetry/christopher-citro-a-portfolio-of-poetry/
Yip-a-dang! I’m thrilled share the news that The Glacier just accepted my three poems “Feathered Dinosaur,” “Live Feeds,” and “These Late Summer Nights When You Exist.” Huge thanks to Managing & Poetry Editor John T. Leonard and Editor-in-Chief David Dodd Lee!
Hot golly! Tupelo Quarterly accepted a packet of my poems and will publish them as a Portfolio of Poetry in the next issue! Thank you Kristina Marie Darling and all the great folks who make TQ. I’m feeling very fortunate as 2024 winds to a close…