Another successful LiterarY Dinner last night!

Thank you to everyone who came out last night for the LiterarY Dinner to raise money for the Arts & Education Branch of the Syracuse YMCA, including The Downtown Writers Center. It was a joy to read my new poems alongside the awesome Elinor Cramer reading her poetry and the awesome Chris Cresswell playing his original songs! Thanks to the generosity of all who attended it was a very successful night’s fundraising!

Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Week 1 June 2019

What a joy to share the reading stage here at week 1 of the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing with Samantha Ocena, reading her poetry, and Randi Ocena, reading her poetry and fiction!

Samantha Ocena, reading her poetry

Randi Ocena, reading her poetry and fiction

Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Week 1 June 2019

And with the traditional elderflower wine toast of “Skol!” the 2019 Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing opens for its TENTH anniversary (Yay!) with readings by Director Alexander Weinstein and Instructor Robert James Russell.

Alexander Weinstein reads his fiction.

Robert James Russell reads his poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction


LiterarY Dinner & Reading!

What a wonderful time I had reading poetry on Saturday night at the LiterarY Dinner! So great to see so many friends in the audience! Thank you so much everyone for coming out and supporting the Syracuse YMCA Arts programs. Thank you to my fellow reader Cheryl Reed, and musical artists Daniel Fields and Sabine Krantz. Thank you to our hosts Neva and Richard Pilgrim and Johanna Keller and Charles Martin. Warmth and good company on a cold February night!



(Thank you to Cheryl Reed for this photograph of us)


Here I shall make occasional blog posts…

…Concerning my poetry and poetry in general. I don’t know how involved I’ll get with this. Perhaps often, perhaps very infrequently (there are so many wonderful poetry blogs out there already). We’ll see how things shape up. Meantime, here’s a photo I took of some reeds.