Toad Suck Review

Toad Suck Review, the literary journal of the Department of Writing in the College of Fine Arts and Communication at the University of Central Arkansas, has just accepted five poems from a series of collaborative prose poems I’ve been writing with the poet Dustin Nightingale. Previous poems from this series have been accepted by Yemassee (19.2) and Beecher’s (forthcoming). Thank you Editor Mark Spitzer and Toad Suck Review!


Beecher’s magazine has accepted for their next issue a collaborative prose poem from a series written with my friend the poet Dustin Nightingale. This is the second of our collaborations to find a home. The first was published in the recent Yemassee 19.2.

Beecher’s magazine is “published annually in Lawrence, Kansas and run by the students of the graduate program in creative writing at the University of Kansas.” It warms my December in Syracuse heart to have a poem in this gorgeous new journal published by my former school KU in the town I lived in for ten years. Thanks Beecher’s!

Yemassee, Yes!

I just received news that Yemassee has accepted for their next issue a collaborative prose poem from a series written with my friend the poet Dustin Nightingale. This is the first of our collaborations to find a home, and we’re jazzed. Seriously. The poem, by the way, is called “Little Buzzings,” and it’s sort of about fruit flies…among other things.

Dustin doesn’t have a webpage, but you can read one of his poems in Stickman Review, and you can hear him read several poems on this episode of my old radio show The Poets Weave.