Fugue has nominated my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” for Best of the Net!

Wow! I just received a second Best of the Net 2024 nomination, this time for my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” published online by Fugue. Thank you again to Maggie Nipps, Reid Davis and everyone at Fugue Literary Journal! Here’s the link to read the poem:


I happened to be working on an ekphrastic poem about Virgil Marti’s 1992 “Bullies Wallpaper” when the email came. Usually if I get an email while I’m writing a poem it’s a rejection from some literary magazine. This was a lovely surprise!

2021 MVICW Virtual Summer Writers’ Conference Contest!

As of today, March 31, 2021, there are just five days left to apply to the Writing Contest for this summer’s virtual Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing! I’m the judge of the poetry contest! Send in your poems (or fiction and CNF to be judged by Wendy Rawlings) to maybe win a full or partial fellowship!

You can submit to the contest HERE!