“Sunlight Spun on Spools” accepted at Postcard Lit!

What a delight to receive an acceptance today from Postcard Lit for “Sunlight Spun on Spools” a collaborative prose poem from the series I’ve been writing with Dustin Nightingale! Someday our poem will be available on a postcard along with original art inspired by the poem…which could not be more awesome. Thank you Postcard Lit!

My poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” accepted at Fugue!

Fugue just accepted my poem “In a Kingdom of Little Gusts and I Want Out” in an email which also said, “Our team was immediately drawn into your poignant imagery, attention to sound, and the submission’s human themes.” Golly, my heart is curled up on the floor purring. Thankyouthankyouthankyou to Reid Davis and everyone at Fugue!

My poem “Playing Baseball with a Pocket Knife” accepted at LIT!

Awesome! LIT just accepted my poem “Playing Baseball with a Pocket Knife.” Huge thank yous to Rebecca Endres & Richard Berwind and everyone at LIT.
And thank you to my dad for teaching me this game on our backyard picnic table when I was little…and I never even chopped off any of my fingers or toes while playing it, go figure!

Poem Accepted at Moon City Review: “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish”

I’m delighted to learn that Moon City Review has accepted my poem “Having Grown Inland I Can Make of Boats What I Wish.” This was written after a solitary walk down to Inkwell Beach late one night from the faculty house at the last in person Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing. A big starlit sky. Lights of little boats in the distance. A water bottle filled with bourbon and orange juice… Thank you Sara Burge and everyone at MCR!

My poems “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down” & “We Are Different in This Room” accepted at Sprung Formal!

I’m delighted to receive the news that Sprung Formal: The Kansas City Art Institute’s Literary Arts Journal has accepted my poems “The Sailors All Dance and Sing As Their Ship Goes Down,” and “We Are Different in This Room.” Thank you Kaylea Halstead, Victoria Cairns, and the whole editorial team!